From: Bob Feretich 
Date: October 5, 2005 10:21:07 AM PDT
Cc: Robert Garner 
Subject: Cards Punch Service Order for Computer History Museum

We wish to place an order for the punching of 849 cards. The ASCII card
images are contained in the attached file. Use standard 80 column form
5081 card stock. One of the two upper corners should be cut.
Interpretive printing should be done in the coresponding columns, above
the 12 row of the card. The card images have already been translated to
Cardamations USASCII representation, so no additional translation should
be necessary.

The fee quoted for this job is $0.12 per card.
849 cards @ $.12 = $101.88

You have permission to charge my credit card for the price of the job,
sales tax (if any), shipping fees, and handling fees.

Credit Card Information
Type: ------------
Number: ************---- (full card number supplied by telephone)
Exp Dt: ------
    Name: --------------
Address: -----------------

Ship cards to:
Computer History Museum
Attn: Bob Feretich / 1401 Restoratio Team
1401 N. Shoreline Blvd.
Mountain View, CA 94043

,008015,036040B036                 1001 LOAD TEST                       0001B 0A
,008015,022029L030T99LT99T98      LOAD 1400 POS. WITH BLANKS            0001B 02
,008015,022029L030T99LT99T98 G    LOAD 1400 POS. WITH G                 0001B 03
,008015,022029L030Z99LZ99Z98      LOAD 2000 POS. WITH BLANKS            0001B 04
,008015,022029L030Z99LZ99Z98 G    LOAD 2000 POS. WITH G                 0001B 05
,008015,022029L030I99LI99I98      LOAD 4000 POS. WITH BLANKS            0001B 06
,008015,022029L030I99LI99I98 G    LOAD 4000 POS. WITH G                 0001B 07
,008015,036040B036                 1001 MOVE TEST                       0002B 0A
,008015,022029,036040M040T99MT99T98.0221        MOVE 1   1399 THRU 040  0002B 02
,008015,022029,036040M040T99MT99T98.0222        MOVE 2   1399 THRU 040  0002B 03
,008015,022029,036040M040T99MT99T98.0224        MOVE 4   1399 THRU 040  0002B 04
,008015,022029,036040M040T99MT99T98.0228        MOVE 8   1399 THRU 040  0002B 05
,008015,022029,036040M040T99MT99T98.022A        MOVE A   1399 THRU 040  0002B 06
,008015,022029,036040M040T99MT99T98.022B        MOVE B   1399 THRU 040  0002B 07
,008015,022029,036040M040T99MT99T98.022D        MOVE D   1399 THRU 040  0002B 08
,008015,022029,036040M040T99MT99T98.022G        MOVE G   1399 THRU 040  0002B 09
,0080121001                                     SENSE SWITCHES          0003B 0A
,008012,019,026030L0653681001,008012,00110011B361080AB421/340080 1 OF 2 0003B 02
,037044N000,340344,348349,357,361368/333080 PROG. CHAIN. ROUTINE 2 OF 2 0003B 03
L057S4510012,049L0772772/2772#                               GQZ0 HR>#                      L0110B 27
I-,@ &$%0                               I-,@ &$%0                      L0110B 28
1.*/ #                               GQZ0 HR>#                      M0110B 39
I-,@ &$%0                               I-,@ &$%0                      M0110B 40